Autonomous Case-Handling Robot

Our HaiPick Essential goods-to-person automated picking system (HaiPick System 1) combines state-of-the-art Automated Case-handling Robot (ACR) technology and our premier HaiPort and Conveyor workstations to deliver optimised facility efficiency and storage capacity.

Product Overview


HaiPick System 1

HaiPick System 1 is our essential goods-to-person solution that offers superior flexibility and scalability to improve warehouse operational efficiency and reduce unused storage space.

HaiPick Robots

Our high-capacity ACRs provide a remarkably small footprint with a vertical reach of over 30ft high, allowing our solutions to reduce a facility’s storage footprint by up to 75%.

HaiPick System 2

HaiPick System 2 is our tandem Autonomous Case-handling Mobile Robot (ACR) and Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) goods-to-person solution that offers superior versatility and compatibility.

HaiPick System 3

HaiPick System 3 is a cutting-edge solution that offers superior flexibility and scalability to improve warehouse operational efficiency and maximize existing storage capacity significantly.